This is an example of accessing a database thru external Perl scripts which perfom the actual database accesses.
The example shows how to write log statements to a database and how to read them out of the database again.
Create a new database table¶
First of all, a database is required to write the log entries to. The following script will create such a database:
use DBI;
my $db = shift;
print "using $db\n";
my $connection = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db","","",
{RaiseError => 1} )
or die $DBI::errstr;
my $table = 'TestResult';
my @rows = qw(time file text);
$connection->do("create table $table (" . join(',',@rows) . ')');
Usage example - Unix:
perl createlogtable.pl database_name
(database_name must be replaced by the actual database name.)
Usage example - Windows:
C:\perl\bin\perl.exe createlogtable.pl database_name
(database_name must be replaced by the actual database name.)
An external script to execute queries¶
require Encode;
use DBI;
my $db = shift;
my $query = shift;
my $connection = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db","","", {RaiseError => 1} )
or die $DBI::errstr;
my $records = $connection->selectall_arrayref($query);
foreach my $record (@$records) {
my @row = @$record;
foreach $column (0..$#row) {
print("\t") if $column > 0;
my $field = $record->[$column];
Log to database and list the records from Squish test script¶
sub dbLog {
my $testfile = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $time = localtime;
$msg =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
$msg =~ s/"/"""/g;
my $query = "INSERT INTO TestResult VALUES('$time','$testfile','$msg')";
open(IN, "-|", "c:/perl/bin/perl c:/query.pl
c:/testresult.db \"$query\"");
while(<IN>) {
test::log( "debug: $_" );
sub listRecords {
my $query = "SELECT * FROM TestResult";
open(IN, "-|", "c:/perl/bin/perl c:/query.pl c:/testresult.db \"$query\"");
while(<IN>) {
my ($time,$file,$msg) = split /\t/;
test::log( "At $time test $file said $msg");
sub main {
dbLog(squishinfo->testCase, "start addressbook");
# ...
dbLog(squishinfo->testCase, "end addressbook");