Overview Fetching data from a web page through Squish is in most cases done piece by piece, which can make retrieving larger amounts of data (for example the complete contents of a table) relatively slow.
The following script demonstrates different ways to retrieve data and provides the times each of these takes to execute for an example web page.
Example Script Please note: For get_table_data4()
and get_table_data5()
the file
(contains helper functions used in get_table_data4()
and get_table_data5()
) must be placed in <SQUISH_DIR>/lib/extensions/web
import os
import sys
import json
import time
def main ():
loadUrl ( "https://download.froglogic.com/support/table_rows_50_columns2.html" )
test_count = 3
for i in range ( test_count ):
get_table_data1 ( "thetable" )
for i in range ( test_count ):
get_table_data2 ( "thetable" )
for i in range ( test_count ):
get_table_data3 ( "thetable" )
for i in range ( test_count ):
get_table_data4 ( "thetable" )
for i in range ( test_count ):
get_table_data5 ( "thetable" )
def get_table_data1 ( table ):
obj = waitForObject ( table )
start_time = time . time ()
rows = obj . rowCount
columns = obj . columnCount
for i in range ( rows ):
for j in range ( columns ):
obj . cellAt ( i , j ) . innerText
t = time . time () - start_time
test . log ( "get_table_data1(): %.2f \n\n " % t )
def get_table_data2 ( table ):
obj = waitForObject ( table )
id = obj . id
start_time = time . time ()
rows = obj . rowCount
columns = obj . columnCount
for i in range ( rows ):
for j in range ( columns ):
s = evalJS ( 'document.getElementById(" %s ").rows[ %s ].cells[ %s ].innerText' % ( id , i , j ))
t = time . time () - start_time
test . log ( "get_table_data2(): %.2f \n\n " % t )
def get_table_data3 ( table ):
obj = waitForObject ( table )
id = obj . id
start_time = time . time ()
rows = obj . rowCount
columns = obj . columnCount
for i in range ( rows ):
for j in range ( columns ):
evalJS ( 'document.getElementById(" %s ").rows[ %s ].children[ %s ].innerText' % ( id , i , j ))
t = time . time () - start_time
test . log ( "get_table_data3(): %.2f \n\n " % t )
def get_table_data4 ( table ):
if evalJS ( 'typeof squish_getTableDataAsObject == "function"' ) == "false" :
test . fail ( "Function squish_getTableDataAsObject does not exist; maybe squish_getTableData.js has not been installed in " + os . environ [ "SQUISH_PREFIX" ] + "/lib/extensions/web?" )
obj = waitForObject ( table )
id = obj . id
start_time = time . time ()
o = retrieveJSObject ( 'squish_getTableDataAsObject(document.getElementById(" %s "))' % id )
rows = o . property ( "rowCount" )
columns = o . property ( "columnCount" )
for i in range ( rows ):
for j in range ( columns ):
o . property ( " %s / %s " % ( i , j ))
t = time . time () - start_time
test . log ( "get_table_data4(): %.2f \n\n " % t )
def get_table_data5 ( table ):
if evalJS ( 'typeof squish_getTableDataObjectAsJSON == "function"' ) == "false" :
test . fail ( "Function squish_getTableDataObjectAsJSON does not exist; maybe squish_getTableData.js has not been installed in " + os . environ [ "SQUISH_PREFIX" ] + "/lib/extensions/web?" )
obj = waitForObject ( table )
id = obj . id
start_time = time . time ()
json_str = evalJS ( 'squish_getTableDataObjectAsJSON(document.getElementById(" %s "))' % id )
o = json . loads ( json_str )
rows = o [ "rowCount" ]
columns = o [ "columnCount" ]
for i in range ( rows ):
for j in range ( columns ):
o [ " %s / %s " % ( i , j )]
t = time . time () - start_time
test . log ( "get_table_data5(): %.2f \n\n " % t )
test.py Results Example results (consider relative differences, not absolute values!):
get_table_data1(): 7.30
get_table_data1(): 7.37
get_table_data1(): 7.41
get_table_data2(): 3.60
get_table_data2(): 3.60
get_table_data2(): 3.77
get_table_data3(): 3.75
get_table_data3(): 3.65
get_table_data3(): 3.63
get_table_data4(): 3.85
get_table_data4(): 3.74
get_table_data4(): 3.61
get_table_data5(): 0.03
get_table_data5(): 0.03
get_table_data5(): 0.05
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